Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The oil slick keep moving towards land in some parts of the gulf and is still leaking like a sieve.  Not sure what the BP CEO and his leadership team must be thinking by waiting to develop another plan.  It's over two months 11 people have lost their lives and MILLIONS of others are having their way of life permanently changed by a FOREIGN company.  The federal government is financing part of the clean up at this moment and an entire region of the US is scrambling to find viability.

This almost sounds like a war took place on American soil.  The lasting effects couldn't be worse and if I see that commercial one more time of how BP will be responsible for cleaning up their mess I may end up wearing a straight jacket.  The expense for producing and airing that commercial is costing BP approximately $50 million when the emergency shut off valves and redundant systems required on oil rigs cost approximately $500 thousand.  I sure wish the leadership would have spend the money on all the redundant safety systems rather than on all the commercials.

I don't know how, but each of us need to make a conscious effort to reduce the amount of petroleum that we consume.  That is the only way to prevent disasters like this from occurring in the future.  With advancing technology we may get there one day, but in the short term each of us should think about how we drive and the products that we consume.

Yes, I'm venting, but what the hell!  If anyone else would have created this mess, we would be on trial already and held personally responsible.  BP leadership must be held to the same standard and they must be held accountable.  Who is going to step up and start the list of charges!!!

Until next time...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

In the Movies

Triathlon training is going good.  No one told me when I signed up that I'd either be in a fog all day or craving sleep.  My body is beginning to reject me some times.  However, not as bad as how each one of us should be rejecting BP.  Over 50 days of oil leaking in the Gulf and BP Executives are contemplating using a movie director to solve their problems.  Its good they are reaching out, but come on already.

I don't believe that prior to this accident had BP decision makers been given a scenario of disasters and how to correct the issue that calling a movie director would be one of them.  If they are truly grasping at ideas that badly, we need to look at all other oil rigs and their disaster recovery plans.  This announcement comes just as hurricane season officially begins.

We think the devastation is bad now, wait until a hurricane drives oil 50 miles inland.  How is BP going to clean up farm fields after a hurricane comes through?  My guess is they are going to wait until their insurance company completes years of analysis and the lawyers spread doubt on the fact that BP had nothing to do with this accident.  All the while the Gulf will be cleaned up be the tens of thousands of people put out of work by the accident.

Only in the movies will you find a disaster like this with a happy ending.  I don't see the leak being plugged in the next 6 months.  Good thing I traveled to the gulf the last two years since there won't be a reason to go back anytime soon.  Maybe my great grand kids will be able to enjoy the gulf.

Thanks BP and your excellent safety record!