Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Job Search Begins

Good morning all,

I'm still shocked by thoughts of downsizing. Anger grows and subsides with a little peace that follows. Thoughts of "How in the h---" and "Why me!" come and go. Unfortunately, I am usually able to sense a business change is coming. This one I did NOT! Shame on me for letting my defenses down. But also shame on the company that eliminated my position when I was responsible for adding $500K of new business this year. Short term thinking for a long term problem. Maybe I'm better off with decision makers like that running the company? Time will tell.

Fortunately, I'm not a bitter person even though these events could make me swell with anger and resentment. Bitterness only brings sorrow and misery. Today is a new day and there are plenty of opportunities to explore. The first opportunity is to take more time with my kids. Kids are great and have a great outlook! One of my son's tells me that I could be a Star Wars pilot. My daughter tells me that I could become a story teller. My oldest tells me that I could be a great businessman so mommy can stay home! Family = Strength!

As for now, its time read the book Strengthfinders to determine what my strengths are and how I can apply them in my career. The second step is to find out if my employer will help me with outplacement services. Right now I feel as though I'm in the middle of the ocean with no one to hand me a life vest.

I'll let you know tomorrow if I find a life vest!

Until then - Doug!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Down and Out in Health Care

Good afternoon all,

I've never been a blog writer before, but the events that happened on July 15th at 12:32pm changed my life. The day started as most days began although there was a cleverly disguised "lunch" meeting. Unfortunately, the meeting would make me lose my appetite...for a long time! In fact, I still don't eat much...I have the perpetual "PIT" in my stomach that prevents me from doing so.

I've been a professional in health care for 10 years and never thought the day would come to hear the words "...we are moving in a different direction and your position is no longer needed." Actually, I don't quite recall the actual words since my ears glazed over and my head began to spin as I was trying to comprehend what was occurring. The next thing I remember is being in my office with messages to return and work to be completed.

I probably should let you all know that I am/was an account executive (AKA sales guy) in the process of implementing a new client that actually increased revenue enough to justify 2 additional positions to accommodate the workload. Thanks for the work, but your out on your A--! Not bitter, just confused.

Health care is supposed to be recession proof. Health care is supposed to take care of patients and employees. Well in my case, the position was eliminated without any warning while I was busy adding to the bottom line. I'm not even sure how the decision was made. And what does "...heading in a different direction" really mean? Does this mean, thank you for all your sacrifices, but I'm a decision maker and I need a position more than you?

The feelings are still fresh and the only way I know how to deal with this is document my journey. Now it will be me and 10 million of my closest friends applying for the ONE available position in the entire state of Wisconsin!

Until tomorrow - Doug!