Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Job Search Begins

Good morning all,

I'm still shocked by thoughts of downsizing. Anger grows and subsides with a little peace that follows. Thoughts of "How in the h---" and "Why me!" come and go. Unfortunately, I am usually able to sense a business change is coming. This one I did NOT! Shame on me for letting my defenses down. But also shame on the company that eliminated my position when I was responsible for adding $500K of new business this year. Short term thinking for a long term problem. Maybe I'm better off with decision makers like that running the company? Time will tell.

Fortunately, I'm not a bitter person even though these events could make me swell with anger and resentment. Bitterness only brings sorrow and misery. Today is a new day and there are plenty of opportunities to explore. The first opportunity is to take more time with my kids. Kids are great and have a great outlook! One of my son's tells me that I could be a Star Wars pilot. My daughter tells me that I could become a story teller. My oldest tells me that I could be a great businessman so mommy can stay home! Family = Strength!

As for now, its time read the book Strengthfinders to determine what my strengths are and how I can apply them in my career. The second step is to find out if my employer will help me with outplacement services. Right now I feel as though I'm in the middle of the ocean with no one to hand me a life vest.

I'll let you know tomorrow if I find a life vest!

Until then - Doug!

1 comment:

  1. Doug,

    A type II PFD is the best. It will turn you face up in the ocean and always keep your head above the water. And family , friends and others will be ready to throw you a rope.
