Monday, March 29, 2010

Light Days

You've all heard the commercials about light days. Although being a man I can't relate, but I can relate to you what it means to have a light training day or no training at all scheduled. These days are often full of confusing thoughts such as "I should head to the gym, I should hit the water, or I should take a short ride."

Any age-grouper training for an event will have these thoughts. However, the ones that act on them to "sneak" in another training session are actually hurting their bodies. Too often age-groupers (or average people like you and me that aren't in the 1% athletic gene pool) want to push ourselves too hard and ultimately OVER TRAIN. By doing so, we don't let our bodies fully recover to improve fitness levels. In fact, we actually end up hurting our bodies and ruining our conditioning.

The body is like a machine. It needs to be treated with respect and it needs to build upon each weekly training day to improve. Every time we exercise we actually break down our muscles. When we stop exercising our bodies are continually fighting a war to repair the damaged muscles. When our bodies repair itself we see fitness level improvements. Off days are necessary to improve fitness.

Therefore, your next light day take time to catch up on other things in your life. Spend time with others in your life such as kids or spouse. They will appreciate the time and will be reenergized to support you during your long training days that are yet to come.

You keep reading and I'll keep training. If you have a specific topic you want me to cover, just let me know!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Keep Running

Today was a run training day. The volume wasn't too bad and the intensity was in a good zone as well. Not sure why it took me several years to understand that training is different than just plain exercise. I feel fresher than I have after many training sessions this year since following a plan and not just going out and giving it.

While running today with my training group we began to discuss the new healthcare bill and what impact we will feel. None of us have actually read the entire 1,000+ page document, but we all had our own experience with the current state of healthcare. I've come from the depths of hell after losing a job with awesome health benefits only to find that shopping around for a family plan was almost as cost effective as a group plan through my spouse's employer.

My running mates didn't have the same luck. Neither of them have faced losing a job in this environment, but each had an amazing story. One has diabetes (and is an awesome triathlete completing Ironman WI in 2009) and pays almost $6,000 every three months for necessary supplies and insulin. This is over a 800% increase in the last 10 years. Yes, he's pissed off! Manufacturing the products didn't go up that much, but why the price increase.

Also, I found that he obtains health insurance through his spouse and if he had to go on his own he was told he CAN'T get it. That's right he is one of the millions of Americans that can't buy health insurance due to a pre-existing condition.

My other running mate has his own small business and has to deal with rising health insurance rates on an annual basis. Each year his plans have been more expensive with less coverage. Ultimately, passing some of these costs on to his employees and customers as well.

Yep, running today was great. We didn't solve the healthcare issues, but we all learned a little more about the daily issues that we all have to deal with surrounding the necessity of healthcare insurance. Will this new Obama reform actually help healthcare in America? I'm not sure, but I'll keep running and maybe my running group may find a solution. Can't wait to find out what we can solve during our bike training!

I'll keep running, you keep reading!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Routines

Spring is in the air and triathlon training is ramping up. This year's triathlon season will include ironman Wisconsin in September. Considering I haven't been in the lake to swim this year yet it seems like it is a long way off. Ice is still on the lake how can I begin swim training? No, I'm not going to become a lap dog in the local health club. I've done that and it isn't interesting.

This year I've included some dry land exercises that some college swimmers do when they can't get to the pool. It's a little weird to lay on an exercise ball and pretend you're swimming, but the lake has ice. I have noticed a difference in the two weeks that I've included these routines. My shoulders feel stronger and I can see my obliques poking through layers of winter fat.

This new swimming routine may be different, but this past year has been different. I found myself in a swirl of an economic downturn that landed my position being eliminated. At the time I didn't realize that this was a turning point where I can redirect my focus and talents into something with more meaning. I view swimming on a ball with the same vision. It may be unfamiliar, but it is unfamiliar in a good way and will help me when I'm swimming 2.4 miles in September.

Embrace something new this week and turn it into something beneficial in the months to come. You won't regret it.

Until next time..

Friday, March 19, 2010

First Week

This was the first official week of training for Ironman Wisconsin 2010. Unfortunately, I don't feel any different and I didn't train any harder this week. In fact, following a 26 week program and I actually needed to train less. I guess that age-groupers really do train harder than they should.

I will say that I won't follow any Ironman training until I am 13 weeks out. Until that time I have several events lined up with the first one a half marathon to get the kinks out of these winter legs in April. I spend the majority of the my training on a bike trainer. Some think that its too boring to spin inside and leave a puddle of sweat on the floor, but for me its too easy to flop out of bed and stroll into the basement to ride. Hopefully, I've gained at least one mile an hour faster for all this spinning. If not, at least I know that I've done what I can to remain on the earth a little longer with all this heart healthy exercise. That's not a bad benefit of training.

As for Ironman, I never knew how expensive the entry fee was nor did I truly add up all expenses associated with the sport of triathlon. Golfing may lower cost than this, but its not as healthy. At least that's what I tell myself. The 19th hole always hurt me when I golfed and I'm sticking to that to keep me involved in the lifestyle of triathlon.

For those that aren't familiar with triathlon, its a great way to live and a great individual goal each year to justify the healthy lifestyle. Also, there's no where else that you will meet individuals in their 60's and 70's only to, all I have to do is maintain my same pace for the next 30 years and I might be in the top three of my age group! No kidding, there are some excellent silent athletes in the 60's and 70's that can put 80% of the population to shame!

So get up and get training! I'll let you know how my training is going. You let me know how yours is going!

Until next time....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sweet Smell

The Midwest is beaming with anticipation of the sweet smell of spring. This part of the country has been under layers of snow and cold for over 4 months and today we received a taste of what is to come. There's another taste of what is to come when people can overcome tragic events in their lives and persevere. Perseverance is one of the keys to finding what makes you happy and at peace.

All to often in life when bad events happen lives are changed and it is hard for individuals to move on to create a better life. It is difficult to see good in bad things, but just as the cold weather will turn to warm sunshine in the Midwest so too will the lives of people once they dig deep within to persevere. In order to persevere one must become focused and diligent. There is no room for blaming others or circumstances when bad events arrive. Once the grief passes there is only room for focused, diligent actions to find a better way and a better place.

Each of us has a different place to begin our perseverance journey. Some have an uncanny ability to flow effortlessly from tragic events focusing on the good while others need to find themselves and slowly move towards the sweet smell of spring. No matter what place you are in take time for the sweet smell of spring!