Thursday, November 12, 2009

Marketing Madness

Good afternoon all,

The big hunt is around the corner and I am still in the process of marketing McAllister Development Services. There is so much information on the web regarding internet marketing its hard to tell what is legitimate and what is bogus. The best advice I can lend is to pick up the phone and start calling some people in your network to ask questions.

I've started asking around from people I've connected with on LinkedIn that appear to be knowledgeable. It appears that there is money to be made promoting a website to make it a viral buzz. How does one capitalize on this to market a service not a product?

The consensus seems to be time and consistency will pay off in the end. Similar to going door to door marketing your service only there's no door and there's no instant rejection. Internet marketing is the ultimate of gathering leads from intelligent cold calling and pushing brand recognition.

Its a new day and one day I may catch up with this marketing madness!

Until next time...

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