Monday, January 11, 2010


Have you ever thought that your life isn't heading in the direction that you want it to? Are you so wrapped up with your "life" that you're not living but merely existing? What a thought. I used to think that I was living with a "comfortable" job that provided enough. However, I now realized that the comfortable job was holding me back and keeping me from utilizing my potential and from living!

Why is it that most of us reach a point in our lives where we stop living and begin accepting life? Granted there are plenty of people in this world that are constantly living and hardly ever accept life as it is in the present. These people are constantly finding a new direction, new goal, and a new set of circumstances to live.

Although each of us have plenty to be thankful for we often settle and allow life to control us versus taking the reins to begin living, even if it means living in the unknown, outside of your comfort zone. I read a book recently from an author Paul Coelho titled "The Alchemist". It's not a very long book, but has a great message that encourages people to begin living. He calls it "finding your personal legend".

I suggest each one of us begin living or find your personal legend. Don't settle and never stop living!

Until next time...

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