Monday, May 24, 2010

America's Leak

Why is it that BP is so eager to contribute $500 million to study to effects of the impact of the oil spill when they should have spent the money to develop a fail safe plan.  Why is it we can place a camera to run a live feed 24 hours a day to the bottom of the gulf within feet of the oil leak, but BP can't find the technology to plug it?  Doesn't this make anyone pissed off?

What about the rumblings that our US Congress is debating a bill to increase the tax on oil to generate a revenue stream to PAY for the oil clean up.  This tax will undoubtedly be passed on to consumers and businesses.  BP and other oil companies are NOT going to eat this cost.  It will slowly be passed on until the entire tax is paid for by consumers.  Hide in plain site and we'll never see it.

I say enough already.  BP has put the current generation of the fishing industry out of work and probably the next generation as well not to mention the tourism industry to the entire region.  Shouldn't the leaders of this company be held responsible for their decision making ability before the accident and through today?  Why should we allow the decision makers at BP the ability to prolong a solution to plug the leak?  What happened to standards and the regulating authority to check to make sure these standards were kept up to date?  I've been in many different companies and know that regulatory agencies have audits on a regular basis to make sure that procedures and standards are maintained.  How can drilling for oil in an environmental sensitive area not be regulated?  How come there wasn't a Failure Modes Effects Analysis completed on drilling and extracting oil.  If there was one, oil rig explosion and pipe leaking would have been ranked EXTREMELY high to generate several solutions and preventative process steps.

Yep, I'm pissed that we continually have to hear about how BP hasn't plugged the leak and we get to watch thousands of people in orange vests wash oil soaked animals.  Not to mention that the oil keeps moving further inland up contributory waterways.

BP, oil companies, and congress who are so intrenched in old school politics you all played a role!  Stop trying to do the political thing and get this leak plugged....NOW!!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you Doug. Where IS the shut off valve?? And how have they gotten by so long without one? WE have strict plumbing codes to follow for our houses, how did they get approved in the first place?!
    I'm not paying for their screw up! Looks like we will all have to convert our cars to electric or other green energy! (I guess that's the same as paying, except they won't get richer)
