Thursday, May 20, 2010

Timing is Everything

We've all heard this before that timing is everything.  Whether we are discussing a sporting event, school, or work.  People always want to use that phrase.  Why is timing everything?  Shouldn't it really be that each of us have planned and been diligent to make things happen so that timing had little to do with it rather it was all the planning and prior work that caused the event to happen.

I don't have a crystal ball and can't predict the future, but I do know that the harder you work and the more you plan the likelihood of having events come true improve dramatically.  Similarly, the work life balance doesn't come without planning and work.  Families need to work at striking that delicate balance to earn a living while nurturing a family.  I'm not always good at this, but I do plan and work at it to try and find the proper balance.  Although browsing the web you will find a great deal of individuals with all sorts of formulas to sell you on how to find the right work life balance I would stay clear of advice you need to pay for on this subject.

Each of us know what we need to do in order to find the right balance and it probably isn't the same for each of us.  some families may like when one spouse dominates the earnings working 80 hours per week while others may find the right balance with each spouse working part time.  In any case, it is up to your own family to find the right balance.  Begin today and you won't regret it.  Also, remember that what you do in your family your children are watching and learning by your actions.  If you create balance, the next generation will have an easier time finding balance. 

I've said before and I'll say it again.  No one on their death bed breathing their last breath is going to say "...if only I worked 80 hours per week I would of had balance."  Similarly, no one is going to breathe their last breath uttering "...don't forget to clean the toilet."

Find your work life balance and then we can begin to discuss how you add into that mix training for an Ironman.  The motto becomes I can sleep when I retire.

Until next time...


  1. I have also thought of the timing issues before. Like you, I believed we can make things happen with a work plan. But sad to say, it does not always happen that way. Sometimes when the time is not right means the time is not right.
    I had gone in a circle in my life achieving what I wanted many years back, many years later.
    The time I succeeded, I was more mature and have approached things in a different way.
    I uunderstood then why I did not succeed the first time I tried for it.
    So, when someone says "timing is everything", I believe one is also trying to say, when you are ready mentally, physically n with the right approach, then the time is right.
    Just my simple opinion. Cheers!

  2. Great way to look at things. Thanks for the comments.
