Sunday, October 11, 2009


Good evening all,

Another week passes and the clarity of the direction to take my professional career is as clear as a muddy stream. It all started months ago when I was informed that my position is being eliminated. During this recession being without job has been filled with plenty of highs and lows. There is still food on the table, roof over our head, and clothes on the kids. However, there is still a missing item within our home and that item is a paying job.

I am now spending my time marketing my own talents within healthcare as a consultant. It is more fun than I have had in years. Trying to package "value" around my healthcare experience and selling this has been challenging. But the goal is refreshing. I have been able to gain two meetings so far, but no pay check yet. Until that time I've been visiting 25 prospects a week to sell my wares. The upside potential is great and it provides an excellent work-family balance.

To put the amount of time I have been without work in perspective just think what has occurred since that bizarre lunch I had in July.

1. The federal government has has added another $500B to our country's debt.
2. There is now 15M people without jobs in the country, up from 9M when I was let go.
3. The federal government has extended unemployment benefits an additional 21 weeks.
4. To cover costs of extending unemployment benefits each employer is responsible to pay an additional $14 per year per employee.
5. The nobel peace prize goes to Obama for......doing the job he was elected for?!?
6. Finally - it is now approaching WINTER!

until next time....

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